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"Friendly, listening doctor who managed to be in contact with both me and my child. Very good experience!"


Opinion from Patients Satisfaction Survey 


Find your way to the Pediatric clinic
When you arrive; please use the entrance of the CFR Hospital; Jægersborgvej 66. 

Please sign up at the hospitals reception with the secretary and she will tell you what waiting room you have to wait in before you will be picked up by the pediatrician Lise Lykke Thomsen.





It is possible to park, however there is only a few parking places reserved for patients to the pediatric clinic/CFR-hospital.

Parking i time limited to 2 hours. If you use  the non time limited parking -please pick up a parking ticket at the CFR reception.






Find your way by car

If you come from the "Helsingørmotorvej", please use exit 17, Jægersborvej. If you come from "Lyngbyvej" please use exit 7, Jægersborgvej.


Nearest train station is Jægersborg station and Lyngby station where Bus line B and E runs to/from. The distance to the pediatric clinic from Jægerborg station is approximately 600 meters. The distance to the pediatric clinic from Lyngby station is approximately one kilometer. 





There is a busstop right by the pediatric clinic, where bus no 169 and 179 runs

straight to the door.


Good information and dialogue are a high priority for us.

You are welcome to contact us if you have special wishes, suggestions for improvements or other comments.



"Help us get better" is a pamphlet for patients and relatives who have experienced an unintended incident (something has gone wrong) in the health care system to help prevent that the same mistake happens to others. The pamphlet also describes where you can find more information about your other options and rights with regard to this.  Link to the pamphlet.

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