Wash your hands often or use hand rubbing alcohol
Cough or sneeze in your sleeve
Limit physical contact
Pay attention to cleaning
Avoid large gatherings
Wash your hands often or use hand rubbing alcohol
Cough or sneeze in your sleeve
Limit physical contact
Pay attention to cleaning
Avoid large gatherings
Wash your hands often or use hand rubbing alcohol
Cough or sneeze in your sleeve
Limit physical contact
Pay attention to cleaning
Avoid large gatherings
+45 39 65 84 93
"Empathic and professionally qualified specialist".
Statement from the Patient Satisfaction Survey 2017
We treat newborns as well as children and adolescents up to 18 years of age with many different symptoms and diseases such as:
Astmatisk brochitis
Atopic Dermatitis
Headaches (Migraine and Tensiontype headache and other forms)
Ticks, Tourette Syndrome and other involuntary movement disorders
Delayed development
Neuromuscular disorders
Genetic syndromes
Cranium abnormalities
Growth retardation or over-growth problems
Puberty abnormalities (early/delayed)
Heart problems
Frequent infections
Hypermobility and foot problems
Non descending testis
Abdominal pain
Urinary problems including recurrent urinary infections
Constipation, diarrea or other related problems
1. Consultation
The first consultation usually takes approximately 45 minnutes.
We take a thorough medical history, evaluate which investigations has previously been done and which are needed and perform a physical examination of your child.
Please bring an overview of the medication including over the counter drugs, that your child gets.
Please bring all data regarding your child´s growth (height, weight). See below what to bring each time.
In order to get the most out of the consultation it is important that you bring the following documents if possible.
The patient's medical card ("gult sygesikringskort").
Alle measurements regarding height and weight and head circumference.
Please fill out the consent-form - Click here
Please fill out the information form - Click here
Please fill out other relevant forms (please see downloads) - Click here
Please bring your child´s medical history.
Any other documents that you find relevant.
Please read the clinics privacy policy before coming to the first consultation (GDPR adolecents (>15years), GDPR parents).
Nb. children below 18 years of age should be followed by the parent/person who has custody. If this is not possible the child and person accompanying the child should always bring af signed power of attorney from the parent/person who has custody. This is a legal requirement.