Wash your hands often or use hand rubbing alcohol
Cough or sneeze in your sleeve
Limit physical contact
Pay attention to cleaning
Avoid large gatherings
Wash your hands often or use hand rubbing alcohol
Cough or sneeze in your sleeve
Limit physical contact
Pay attention to cleaning
Avoid large gatherings
Wash your hands often or use hand rubbing alcohol
Cough or sneeze in your sleeve
Limit physical contact
Pay attention to cleaning
Avoid large gatherings
+45 39 65 84 93

Medical Student
Assists in the clinic

Medical Student
Assists in the clinic

Medical Student
Assists in the clinic

Medical Student
Assists in the clinic
Secretary phone hours:
Monday - Thursday 9 - 12.
Phone +45 39 65 84 93

Medical student
Assists in the clinic

Esther Camille
Medical student
Assists in the clinic

If your child is seen through a Private Health Insurance or you pay for the consultation your self and want to book an appointment. You are welcome to write us - please see below:

At the Patientportal it is possible to ask short questions, give feedback and make electronic renewal of precriptions.
You can create your own account using this link: Patient portal.
When booking your first appointment the clinic will send you a link by mail. You log on to the Patientportal using your childs cpr number.
Unfortunately it is only possible to make one email account per child.

39 65 84 93